Monday 18 March 2013

"Have a good time all the time"

In response to P2PU's -  Intro To Openess in Education...

Not my words, but the words of Viv Savage (Keyboard player from the ficitional band Spinal Tap) when asked the question, "If I were to ask you what your philosophy of life or your creed, what would that be?". This has always struck a chord with me, mostly because This Is Spinal Tap is such an amusing film, but also because it's simplistic and positive. 

I try to have a positive outlook on life and if faced with a bad situation I try to logically problem solve and  to turn it into a good one. I try to look at all the arguments and then decide on positive action. I've share my interpretation of this philosophy in teaching students to problem solve and within the teams which I work.

It's not the best example of learning and sharing, but it's a starting point for how to approach things.